Thursday, January 28, 2010

DataGrid with client-side filtering and searching

MDataGrid can be used just like standard DataGrid: you define a dataProvider and columns either in MXML or in ActionScript. If you want a column to allow filtering replace DataGridColumn with MDataGridColumn which by default has a text wildcard filtering enabled. If you prefer to filter column in a different way change filterEditor property of the column to point to some filter editor from com.iwobanas.controls.dataGridClasses.filterEditors package. You can find more information in the ASDoc in the source code.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Adobe Flex 3 Component Life Cycle

Flex Application Life Cycle was explained very neatly in this article found on slideshare.
Divided the Cycle into 3 general stages:

1 Birth

  • 1.1 Construction
  • 1.2 Configuration
  • 1.3 Attachment
  • 1.4 Initilization

2 Life

  • 2.1 Invalidation
  • 2.2 Validation
  • 2.3 Interaction

3 Death

  • 3.1 Detachment
  • 3.2 Garbage Collection

9 Flex File Upload Examples Visited

here i found one of the very useful component for uploading files.
there are 9 different illustrations given with different services written .. for single file, multiple files, easy drag and drop ,etc. features

Flex File Upload Component
Flex File Upload with PHP
Flash 8 File Upload Download
Multiple Flex File Upload with ColdFusion
Flex 2 and FileReference API
Drag and Drop Flex File Upload with Ruby on Rails
Working with Flex File Upload and Download
File Upload Watcher with Apollo (AIR) and JavaScript
Another Flex Upload Example

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Architectures for Adobe Flex Applications

The project is Flex. It's always going to be Flex. Cairngorm is very Flex-centric (unless you rip out the front controller and port it to AS3, which I've done on other projects). Chances are good that other Flex developers joining the party will have had some experience with it. Not my favorite micro-architecture, but a solid choice for a portal app.

Again, a sweet framework, but if you're not using Modules it's a bad choice because it doesn't utilize Flex-centric functionality. If you ARE using Modules, the Multicore version with Pipes is a great choice. But the learning curve is considerable; new developers are less likely to know it, and even less likely to know it well, which means you, the architect, may end up doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Your call.

Flex-specific, and easy as hell to learn / teach. Another good choice, but you'd better like writing mxml. The decision to use Mate for a portal app is more an issue of coding style than anything else. Having used it, I can say it would work if you weren't using Modules.

This one is so new to the party and my experience with it so limited based on that, I'm witholding judgment for now. I love its DI, I love the way it feels like PureMVC, and I think in a year I may understand enough about implementing it on a larger scale to revisit this post.

Tentative verdict: Cairngorm, with Mate running a close second.

More Architectures: SWIZ, Parsley, HydraMVC
Swiz and PureMVC both provide Model View Controller implementations. Swiz encourages you to write vanilla AS3 classes sprinkled with Swiz-specific annotations, using a dependency injection container (similar to Spring) to resolve dependencies. PureMVC encourages implementation of its interfaces (except for on the view tier), using a central concrete Facade with which dependencies are registered.
