Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Drawable Canvas

The component itself is a transparent canvas (background alpha = 0), which means that you can put it on top of anything you like in order to be able to draw anywhere.
On the mouse down event I add a mouse move listener which adds points to an array, and I remove the listener on the mouse up event. These arrays are the lines.
In the updateDisplayList method I loop through all the held arrays and draw them onto the canvas.


Flex FlowBox Container

Awesome container i've been looking for!!!

A container which would lay its child components out in a horizontal manner like an HBox, but unlike an HBox, it needed to wrap the child components into a new row when they exceeded the available width. If the available height was exceeded, the container should then grow downwards if the height property has not been set to a constrained value. If the height is constrained, then scrollbars should appear

check out


Friday, June 24, 2011

Flex Share on twitter

//Twitter/Bit.Ly Share Imports
import mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;

//Twitter/Bit.Ly Share Vars
private var bitLyLoader:URLLoader;

* Call this function to share on twitter, passing your url trough!
private function twitterShare(articleUrl:String):void
// Insert your account name & API Key bellow
var bitLyApiUrl:String = " NAME&apiKey=API KEY&longUrl="+articleUrl+"&format=xml";
var bitLyApi:URLRequest = new URLRequest(bitLyApiUrl);
bitLyLoader = new URLLoader(bitLyApi);
bitLyLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, bitLyFinished);

* Get the short link & post to twitter
private function bitLyFinished(event:Event):void
// Lets decode the answer!
var getLink:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument(;
var decoder:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder(true);
var bitLyLink:Object = decoder.decodeXML(getLink);
// Insert your message bellow! Use %23 for trending topics! (Example: %23DigitalWorks)
var URL:String = " reading "+bitLyLink+" %23DigitalWorks";
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URL), '_blank');

Flex Share on facebook

* Flex Share on facebook - quick & easy way
public function ShareOnFacebook(shareUrl:String):void
var openUrl:String = ""+shareUrl;
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(openUrl), '_blank');

Monday, June 6, 2011

scaleContent property is true, but the UILoader is not resized ?

Resizes the component to the requested size. If the scaleContent property is set to true, the UILoader is not resized.

import fl.containers.UILoader;

var myUILoader:UILoader = new UILoader();
myUILoader.source = "";
myUILoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);

function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
var uiLdr:UILoader = event.currentTarget as UILoader;
var image:DisplayObject = uiLdr.content as DisplayObject;
trace("UILoader:", uiLdr.width, uiLdr.height); // 100 100
trace("UILoader.content:", image.width, image.height); // 400 267
uiLdr.setSize(image.width, image.height);
uiLdr.move((stage.stageWidth - image.width) / 2, (stage.stageHeight - image.height) / 2);
