Friday, February 29, 2008

Flex cookbook beta - Taking screenshots of the display list in Flex 3 using the static ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData() method

Flex cookbook beta - Taking screenshots of the display list in Flex 3 using the static ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData() method

just looking for this from a long time .....

here i got it
Problem Summary
You want to take a snapshot of a Flex container or control at runtime and save it as a BitmapData object.

Solution Summary
The following example shows how you can take a snapshot of an item on the display list using the static ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData() method, which returns a BitmapData object, as seen in the following snippet: var imageBitmapData:BitmapData = ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData(source); swfLoader.source = new Bitmap(imageBitmapData);

In the following example, clicking the “Take snapshot of DataGrid” button uses the static ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData() method to return a BitmapData object which in turn is converted into a Bitmap object that is loaded into a SWFLoader control:


private function takeSnapshot(source:IBitmapDrawable):void {

var imageBitmapData:BitmapData = ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData(source);

swfLoader.source = new Bitmap(imageBitmapData);



click="takeSnapshot(dataGrid);" />

NOTE: The ability to load a ByteArray object directly into a SWFLoader control was added in Flex 3 build 187814.

For more information, see and

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